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MFA Nr. 7 vom Seite 21

Don’t be afraid of making a telephone call

Carmen Lobitz

Jackson Hersh, a marketing manager, is currently on a business trip in Germany and has trouble with his stomach. Thus, he calls Dr. Schneider`s practice and reaches Emma Fischer. She is a young medical assistant who recently finished her apprenticeship and is now eagerly looking forward to making her first official phone calls as a medical assistant. However, she did not expect her first call to be in English …

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Medical assistant:
Guten Morgen, Praxis Dr. Schneider. Sie sprechen mit Emma Fischer, was kann ich für Sie tun?
Good morning, this is Jackson Hersh speaking. Do you speak English?
Medical assistant:
Certainly! My name is Emma Fischer. How may I help you?
I’d like to make an appointment, please.
Medical assistant:
Alright, have you been here at Dr. Schneider`s before?
No, I haven’t. This is the first time.
Medical assistant:
Okay, Mr. Hersh. What kind of problem do you have?
Actually, I am on a business trip for a couple of days and my stomach hurts so much after having a meal. Would you have an appointment free in the next couple of days?
Medical assistant:
I see … Would Thursday morning be okay for you?