CIR (EU) No 282/2011 Article 31b

Chapter V: Place of taxable transactions

Section 4: Place of supply of services (Articles 43 to 59 of Directive 2006/112/EC)

Subsection 6a: Supply of services connected with immovable property [1]

Article 31b [2]

Where equipment is put at the disposal of a customer with a view to carrying out work on immovable property, that transaction shall only be a supply of services connected with immovable property if the supplier assumes responsibility for the execution of the work.

A supplier who provides the customer with equipment together with sufficient staff for its operation with a view to carrying out work shall be presumed to have assumed responsibility for the execution of that work. The presumption that the supplier has the responsibility for the execution of the work may be rebutted by any relevant means in fact or law.

zur Änderungsdokumentation

