Council Directive 2006/112/EC Article 320

Title XII: Special schemes

Chapter 4: Special arrangements for second-hand goods, works of art, collectors’ items and antiques

Section 2: Special arrangements for taxable dealers

Subsection 1: Margin scheme

Article 320

1. Where the taxable dealer applies the normal VAT arrangements to the supply of a work of art, a collectors’ item or an antique which he has imported himself, he shall be entitled to deduct from the VAT for which he is liable the VAT due or paid on the import.

Where the taxable dealer applies the normal VAT arrangements to the supply of a work of art supplied to him by its creator, or the creator’s successors in title, or by a taxable person other than a taxable dealer, he shall be entitled to deduct from the VAT for which he is liable the VAT due or paid in respect of the work of art supplied to him.

2. A right of deduction shall arise at the time when the VAT due on the supply in respect of which the taxable dealer opts for application of the normal VAT arrangements becomes chargeable.

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