Council Directive 2006/112/EC Annex VII: List of the agricultural production activities referred to in point (4) of Article 295(1)
Annex VII: List of the agricultural production activities referred to in point (4) of Article 295(1)
  1. Crop production:

    1. general agriculture, including viticulture;

    2. growing of fruit (including olives) and of vegetables, flowers and ornamental plants, both in the open and under glass;

    3. production of mushrooms, spices, seeds and propagating materials;

    4. running of nurseries;

  2. stock farming together with cultivation:

    1. general stock farming;

    2. poultry farming;

    3. rabbit farming;

    4. beekeeping;

    5. silkworm farming;

    6. snail farming;

  3. forestry;

  4. fisheries:

    1. freshwater fishing;

    2. fish farming;

    3. breeding of mussels, oysters and other molluscs and crustaceans;

    4. frog farming.

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