Title XII: Special schemes
Chapter 1: Special scheme for small enterprises
Section 2a: Simplification of obligations for exempt small enterprises [with effect from 1. 1. 2025] [1]
Article 292b [with effect from 1. 1. 2025] [2]
Without prejudice to Article 284(3), Member States may release exempt small enterprises established in their territory, that avail themselves of the exemption only within that territory, from the obligation to state the beginning of their activity pursuant to Article 213 and to be identified by means of an individual number pursuant to Article 214, except where those enterprises carry out transactions covered by point (b), (d) or (e) of Article 214.
Where the option referred to in the first paragraph is not exercised, Member States shall put in place a procedure for the identification of such exempt small enterprises by means of an individual number. The identification procedure shall not take longer than 15 working days except in specific cases where in order to prevent tax evasion or avoidance Member States may require additional time to carry out the necessary checks.
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