Council Directive 2006/112/EC Article 58

Title V: Place of taxable transactions

Chapter 3: Place of supply of services [1]

Section 3: Particular provisions [2]

Subsection 8: Supply of telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services to non-taxable persons [3]

Article 58 [4]

1. The place of supply of the following services to a non-taxable person shall be the place where that person is established, has his permanent address or usually resides:

  1. telecommunications services;

  2. radio and television broadcasting services;

  3. electronically supplied services, in particular those referred to in Annex II.

Where the supplier of a service and the customer communicate via electronic mail, that shall not of itself mean that the service supplied is an electronically supplied service.

2. – 6. (deleted)

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4M16, A2