Title V: Place of taxable transactions
Chapter 3: Place of supply of services [1]
Section 3: Particular provisions [2]
Subsection 7: Supply of restaurant and catering services for consumption on board ships, aircraft or trains [3]
Article 57 [4]
1. The place of supply of restaurant and catering services which are physically carried out on board ships, aircraft or trains during the section of a passenger transport operation effected within the Community, shall be at the point of departure of the passenger transport operation.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, ‚section of a passenger transport operation effected within the Community‘ shall mean the section of the operation effected, without a stopover outside the Community, between the point of departure and the point of arrival of the passenger transport operation.
‚Point of departure of a passenger transport operation‘ shall mean the first scheduled point of passenger embarkation within the Community, where applicable after a stopover outside the Community.
‚Point of arrival of a passenger transport operation‘ shall mean the last scheduled point of disembarkation within the Community of passengers who embarked in the Community, where applicable before a stopover outside the Community.
In the case of a return trip, the return leg shall be regarded as a separate transport operation.
zur Änderungsdokumentation