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BFuP Nr. 2 vom Seite 121

Contextual predictors of social and ecological considerations in entrepreneurship: A country-level explorative machine learning approach

Schwerpunktthema: Entrepreneurship

M. Sc. Miriam Gnad, Universität Trier, Dr. Holger Steinmetz, Universität Trier, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Moritz, Hochschule Koblenz, Prof. Dr. Jörn Block, Universität Trier und Prof. Dr. Frank Lasch, Montpellier Business School

The potential of entrepreneurship in addressing social and ecological challenges requires a deeper understanding of the contextual predictors for sustainability-focused entrepreneurship. This understanding is needed, as not all contextual factors are likely to hold the same relevance and impact on the importance of social and ecological aspects in entrepreneurship. Therefore, our study explores a wide array of country-level contextual predictors such as governmental/regulatory, cultural, socio-economic, ecological, and economic factors. By combining different data sources (e.g., the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, the World Bank, and the OECD), and by employing an explorative machine learning approach, we investigate the predictive value of a large array of contextual factors for the overall, country-level considerations of social and ecological issues in a sample of 84 countries. Our findings suggest that governmental and regulatory as well as cultural factors seem to be important predictors for social and ecological considerations in entrepreneurship. Moreover, socio-economic factors show a high relevance for social considerations while especially economic factors are relevant f...

30 Tage

Seiten: 30

Contextual predictors of social and ecological considerations in entrepreneurship: A country-level explorative machine learning approach

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