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BÜRO Nr. 12 vom Seite 18

Lieferengpässe und Lieferschwierigkeiten

Susanne Mühlhaus

Lieferengpässe und die damit einher gehenden Verzögerungen sind ein Dauerbrenner in allen Branchen. Deutsche Unternehmen sind häufig auf Lieferungen von Waren oder Vorprodukten aus dem Ausland angewiesen. Grund genug uns in dieser Ausgabe einmal ausführlicher mit diesem Thema in englischer Sprache zu befassen.


Supply chain disruptions

Supply chain disruptions have caused shortages and driven up prices. 70 percent of German manufacturing companies are complaining about serious shortage of materials such as semiconductors. These shortages are very detrimental to the car industry, hampering production of cars in Germany, reducing the annual output by half. In other industries production is stagnating while orders are at an all-time high.

Inflation is rising at its fastest rate for 30 years as fuel, energy and food costs surge.

A combination of price inflation, energy price increases and the Ukraine conflict have all impacted the construction sector this year. Year-on-year prices for all building work rose by 27 %. Rising freight prices, supply chain problems and slowed shipments from China and the US mean that the construction industry is facing serious component shortages. Man...