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RENO Nr. 9 vom Seite 18

Employment Agreement – Arbeitsvertrag, Übungen

Dipl.-Übersetzerin, Autorin und Sprachdozentin Susanne Mühlhaus; München

Im Anschluss an Teil 3 des Beitrags (siehe RENO 8/2018 S. 14) finden Sie in dieser Ausgabe Aufgaben zum Leseverständnis und zum Wortschatz mit den entsprechenden Lösungen.

Aufgaben und Lösungen

Aufgabe 1 Leseverständnis – Welche der nachfolgenden Aussagen bzw. Antworten treffen zu?

Tabelle in neuem Fenster öffnen

As far as representation is concerned the contract stipulates that the employee is empowered to …
act as a Vice President of NiceFlight.
enter into agreements on behalf of any group company of NiceFlight.
act as a Vice President on behalf of any group company.
accept payments on behalf of any group company.
enter into commitments on behalf of any group company.
On intellectual property the contract stipulates that …
all intellectual property conceived by the employee at any time shall belong to NiceFlight.
all intellectual property conceived by the employee in the course of his services for NiceFlight shall belong to NiceFlight.
the employee assigns all his interest in the intellectual property conceived by him during his service for NiceFlight to NiceFlight or its designee.
all intellectual property made by the employee after termination of this contract sha...
